
2024 OBA Show & Sale
The OBA just held its 25th annual bison show & sale! Over the years our location, environment and industry has changed, but incredibly we have many of our original founding members still attending to this day. We saw a lot of growth between last year, which was our first sale in a few years and the first at the OKC Fairgrounds, and this year. We made a few changes to this sale: date, barn, auctioneer and the seminar and I want to touch lightly on each to explore how or if the specific change made an impact on our sale.

2024 OBA Summer Social
Oklahoma Bison Association held a summer social on 6/1 at TLC Ranch in Jimtown, Oklahoma. The whole family was welcome as kids played with a variety of family friendly animals, in bounce houses, and even on the sandbar of the red river!

Making the Most of an Opportunity
The Climate Smart project focuses on land practices, aiding producers who want to build a sustainable model. Our partner, Tanka Fund, is managing technical services and incentives for land practices like prescribed grazing, pasture/hay planting, range planting, cover crop planting, silvopasture, riparian cover, prescribed burning, and upland wildlife habitat.

2023 Oklahoma Bison Association Annual Winter Show & Sale Recap and Award Winners
The OBA hosted their first annual winter show & sale at the Oklahoma City Fairgrounds. The event not only provided support for our local bison industry but it also was a great opportunity to engage and connect our community.

July is Bison Month!
“July is Bison Month! Celebrate the United States National Mammal throughout the Month”
Jim Matheson - Executive Director, National Bison Association

Practical Prairie Rehabilitation - Little Bluestem
After record-warm temperatures in December, we're finally enjoying our first taste of real winter weather this weekend. First thing this morning, I just had to go out for a walk in our pastures to be a part of the frozen landscape. I eventually found myself sitting on a hillside in a wind-protected opening looking at the dormant Little Bluestem plants in front of me.
Ian Thompson - Nan Awaya Farm

Brain Tanning a Buffalo Robe
A traditionally tanned buffalo robe is something pretty special. If any single thing can embody the connection between people, the prairie, and traditional culture, this is it.
Ian Thompson - Nan Awaya Farm

Perhaps a Road Best Not Travelled
As genetic engineering capabilities vault forward, USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) recently initiated the steps to start developing regulations governing the production of genetically modified animals, and the meat they produce.
Dave Carter - Executive Director, National Bison Association

A Bison Moonshot
“That’s one small step for man; one giant leap for mankind.”
Dave Carter - Executive Director, National Bison Association

We are All Part of the Conservation Community
Conservation. Years ago, terms like “conservation groups” and “conservation community” seemed to describe only organizations and individuals committed to protecting wildlife, plants and other resources on our public lands.
Dave Carter - Executive Director, National Bison Association

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Contact us below for more information on membership and membership benefits.